Friday, March 26, 2010

Census Taker, Dream Maker, Leader Faker

When I got on a grand jury this past year all I wanted to do was do my time and get out.

They appointed me foreman.

Today they are going to appoint Lead Enumerators for the 2010 Census who have to run teams and be responsible for a lot of shit.  I already KNOW I will be one of them.  I just know it. 

Sure enough, today I was appointed Lead Enumerator.  I have absolutely no idea what we will be doing on Monday, but I will be in charge of a team that I do know.

I cannot get arrested in the job market, but give me a jury or a census to run and I am your man.

1 comment:

maryirving said...

Congratulations big guy!
"Count" me in!