Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fear and Slothing in New York

As Summer wains and the reality of Autumn looms, I realize that viewing a new season as "looming" connotes not excitement, but dread. I love falling leaves, sweaters and long walks, but I hate unemployment. And I hate figuring how to get out of it even more! I find myself going between excitement and true confidence to despair and sheer lack of will. I am going to "make that call" and then I find that I must catch up on reruns of something instead and heck, why not call it "research" while I am at it.

Somehow unemployment in the Summer months seems almost akin to being on holiday. I look like "the rest of you." The pics of me in Fire Island and the Hamptons and Eastern Quebec on a lake are all real. It was a great summer to be sure, and for some reason I never felt the dread I do with the "impending" (cousin of "looming") onslaught of the Fall "season." While you are off to the opera, I will be figuring out how to pay the rent. I in no way truly want to suggest that only I am finding it hard as unemployment is almost the new black. OR that you like opera.

In this little venty (Venti? I should go write at Starbucks RIGHT NOW! That's it!), whiny missive, I realize that it will turn. I know that I will get work and all will be well. But there is something I am missing. There is a rock with a hidden message under it, a clue.

If all I did was meditate half the day I would be better off than I am now: cruising Facebook whilst thinking I am getting my plan of attack in order.

When these doubts and blues hit I think a good walk is the order of the day. And who knows, maybe that executive who knows exactly what I should be doing will need rescuing from a gang of baddies just as I am coming out of my umpteenth Tasti D-Lite and I will save her and she will give me the job of my life complete with international glamour and dental.

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