Saturday, December 15, 2007

Perfection and Exhaustion

Another picture perfect day in Central Park

18465 Steps

I often wonder how a single guy with no kids, no backyard, no real obligations of any sort save a Monday through Friday job does it all. At least with kids you have a nanny and a house you have a cleaning lady/person. I wake up on my weekends and I just go and STILL don't return/make all the phone calls I want to, get the Christmas cards/shopping done, etc., AND get some exercise. It is a trial being single with nothing. Who has the time for it?

I got up and returned some calls. This was gratifying even if it came down to a "tag your it" scenario. Life sometimes is a game of hot potato and as long as you are not holding the scalding spud you are doing okay. Where am I going with this? I cleaned my apartment top to bottom. I love order and this helps me on the path to labeled file folders and photos in albums. (Not gonna happen sadly in my lifetime at this rate.) I had to meet friends at 5 in the Village and there was no way I wouldn't have time to open Christmas cards, write Christmas cards, do on-line shopping and deposit a check in my new bank account. Didn't do any of it as I was going to be damned if I did not get out and enjoy the day.

There are a few things in life that are simply perfect and I will list them for you:

1. Lego

2. Bagels with lox, cream cheese, tomato, capers, red onion and freshly ground black pepper

3. Walking with an i-pod.

I took an amazing walk in Riverside Park up to Harlem and to the Cathedral of St. John Divine . I tried to get in but this Episcopal church wasn't admitting Catholics. After a scene of martyr in the square proportions I discovered it was because there was a concert going on inside. I turned on my heel thus towel-snapping myself with my rosary beads and yelled "Your church isn't even finished!" (It was begun in 1892 and is still not done. Maybe I should be Episcopalian since I can't seem to finish anything either?) I then walked through the top bit of Central Park back home. Amazing walk. Fall leaves and snow on the ground and great music. My step count was big today.

Seinfeld meets St. John

Met Frank and Sean in the Village and we went to a Christmas show which was pretty great I have to admit. At the risk of losing readership with how much drag I am seeing lately, it was a drag version of Judy Garland's Christmas Show. Okay, okay. I know. Well, Judy was brilliant and the door bell kept ringing and in came Barbra and Liza and loads to others to join Judy and Lorna and wee Joey in song. Priceless. We went back to Sean's and watched the real show on DVD. It was amazing to see an early television show like this. Sponsored in part by CONTACT capsules. (How appropriate.) I think it was from 1963. How rough the production values were, but how amazing she was. Just Judy at home with Lorna and Joey and her mink collared house dress.

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