Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Not only are you blowing FLAT...

Last night I was at band practice at Kelly Ryan's in the Bronx where we usually go. Brian was kind enough to give me a lift home on his way to Jersey. Eddie was with. We got down the road and discovered we had a flat. Loads of pipe cases, golf clubs, inline skates, and tennis rackets to move. Alas, no crowbar with the jack. Alas, AAA didn't recognize his number. We were effed.

The heart of gold, Kevin with ambulance in BG.

Eddie got on the horn to guys in the band and here comes Kevin the NYFD paramedic on duty in his ambulance. By this time we miraculously found the missing piece, but he was right on it and sorted the whole thing.

How many pipers does it take to fix a flat. In this case, four.

I just have to marvel at fraternity and brotherhood. Pipe bands are like that and I really appreciate that. I think camaraderie is key in a band both for playing well in the circle and keeping watch of each other out of it.

I know I had that in California and it was great to see it here.

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