Ahhh, the 1st of May! Those feelings of warmth and love and lust and Spring and....
Rent is due and it is raining. What kind of song around a maypole can that make?
May is the month of Mary and Breast Cancer isn't it? What kind of song can that make?
This is a worker's day and I worked. Had meetings in the morning and then back in the afternoon into the evening with work. It is gratifying to work. Isn't it? What kind of song is that? Feels like a German propaganda Lied.
The man behind the Blogcam is doing the stretch for time signal and I am falling on my ass. As you can see it is just slow news lately.
Tonight I made tea and watched "Cranford" starring Judy Dench. Takes place in a quaint English town in the 1840's. Something you would watch with your mum. I wish I was. I know if Mum and Sean and Leiyan and Eileen were around we would have had a ball watching this.

Things never change: charming young doctor comes to your village, all the older biddies are a twitter and the younger ones are a glow. The not so pretty one is the gawky comic relief who keeps having fainting spells to summon the hot, young medic. (I am gritting my teeth not to relate to her.) The "pretty one" meets Dr. MacDreamy whilst picking cherries off a tree. I would have thought we would be less "on the nose" back in the 1840's.
Just goes to show that hot, young doctors never go out of style, just their cutaways.
I feel a little swoonish, who makes housecalls?
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