Monday, May 19, 2008

The Park

Tonight I happened through Madison Square Park and had dinner at the Shake Shack which is located right in this beautiful park. As I understand it, this venerable institution is a must-do for New Yorkers from Spring through Fall. I ordered the 17, 000 point Weight Watchers Platter of a burger (no cheese!), fries and a chocolate shake. I guess I am not a New Yorker yet because I did not see what the big deal was. It was no Fatburger! But I got to sit in Madison Square Park at those green metal tables and chairs you see in Parisian parks underneath strewn fairy lights you see in movies that take place in gentler times like "Carousel. Ignore the botched robbery and the accidental suicide. Just look at the lights. They are pretty.

This park was host to the first baseball game ever played, the first performance of PT Barnum's circus and the first publicly lit Christmas Tree. Another great thing about New York is you are always surrounded by greatness. I like that.

I thought I would sit for awhile and take in the magic of this night. Maybe even muse. But I had to listen to the two girls next to me. One did all the talking and other one, poor thing, did all the listening. The talker went on and on about work and you knew where it was going to go: her boss is a bitch and she is in the right. The "you won't believe what she did then" school of storytelling. I am not immune and guilty of it myself. Very unattractive. We won't even brush on the rudeness of eavesdropping in this installment for without it there is not report.

Well...Heather made her re-do the Ralph Lauren books 10 times!! Twice because she didn't like the font. What a bitch! And then Gary was going to let her go to the fashion show but Heather stepped in and said someone had to be in the office and who gave her permission to go anyway. I wanted to lean over and say "Gary did," but talking girl beat me to it. Well, Heather cannot win at rockpaperscissors with Gary so she was screwed but she got Miss In the Right another day when she came back from lunch. "You took a two hour lunch." "I did not" "What time did you leave?" "12:35." (My thought bubble: "LIAR!") "Well," says Heather " that's still over an hour." "But I was with the team. You got the e-mail, didn't you?" My heart broke for Heather because not only was she working 75 hours a week,not getting laid, never going to have children and sprouting crow's feet, this younger thing had her in an arm lock. Gary would never side with Heather on this one.

I had enough. I just could not hear any more of it. I know Heather is a pain and losing her grip, but I felt for her and couldn't hear another self-righteous word out of missy's mouth. The nerve.

1 comment:

Criticlasm said...

I also love that the arm of the statue of liberty was in Madison square park to raise money for it to go up. They charged to go up in the arm and look around, and raised money to put it up that way.