Friday, June 26, 2009

Farrah Fawcett meet Michael Jackson. He'll Be Trumping You

I am now going to jump on the blogosphere wagon and write about Michael Jackson. But not really. That has been done to, er, death.

Yes, he was an INCREDIBLE talent. Wow. Just will not be replaced. He will be in the Elvis, Beatles Genius Pantheon for sure.

But what he did to poor Farrah is not to be forgiven. That girl made a video and struggled and he died on HER DAY. Couldn't he have done that to Ed McMahon and given her her moment in the...light?

How amazing that word goes out on Facebook that Farrah has passed after a long, long illness and all are sad and remember her fondly and then TMZ comes along and...SMACKDOWN! KAPLOWIE! Michael Jackson is in a coma and suddenly dies and Farrah is a footnote like the passing of some post-war professor of physics in the New York Times.

Sure I don't expect to be remembered beyond those who know me personally, but Farrah, if I were her, I would expect Farrahwells for days from adoring fans, etc.

But even an Angel cannot compete with the Gloved One. Her poster was no match for his album sales.

I wonder if they ever met. How odd to be introduced, "Farrah, Michael. Michael, Farrah. You'll be dying on the same day."

It reminds me of when Robert Mitchum decided to die right BEFORE Jimmy Stewart. BAD career move. WHAM! Robert was NO match for George Bailey in the tear and remembrance stakes.

How do you plan ahead?

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