Friday, May 22, 2009

Dog Sitting Training and Star Sighting

Everyone who is anyone has someplace cool to go for the 3 day weekend. Not to be left out, I am going south of 14th Street to dogsit in the West Village.

Sean is going home to Aberdeen, SD for his nephew's graduation so I am watching Skipper the dog and Harry the cat at his swank and spacious, perfectly located in the heart of the fabulous West Village apartment.

I went down this afternoon for lunch and training.

Sean is the guy who types up all the instructions and info. I love that. Easy as pie. I feed and walk Skipper and feed Harry and have been instructed to watch DVDs and eat from Sean's vast collection of Trader Joe's food supply. Yum.

Sean took me to BLT Burger on 6th Avenue between 11th and 12th for lunch. It was amazing. We both had the blue cheese burger and I had a B & W Shake. Wow. Go. Good.

We then walked out and saw Anderson Cooper with his Man Friend. They both walked with that "dude swagger" thing. Kind of put on I felt, but then I only see Anderson in a suit behind a desk on TV.

Anderson on left. Matching messenger bags and dude swagger.
(Photo credit: Sean as I didn't have the guts.)


Criticlasm said...

They were obviously discussing public policy.

Anonymous said...

Nice candid shot of Anderson and Ben.

Anonymous said...

Well that's supposedly his boyfriend. But correct me if I am wrong, is Anderson eying the woman on the cell phone, no?

Anonymous said...

You can't even tell if he is really looking at the woman on the cell phone with his sunglasses and you can't see his face.

In the biking photos, someone thought he was eying a woman in the photo walking by him.

Why would he be eying a female if he is gay and with his boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

Bi? Someone said he was eying Ripa's legs in the July 29, 2009 episode. I think maybe that was an accident too.

Anonymous said...

Suggesting he might be bi?

I have no clue on that except that he has never actually dated a female that anyone knows of.

Anonymous said...

If he's checking out any female at at all, it would be Erica Hill - every night you can see his crush on her.

Anonymous said...

Anderson is not interested in Erica Hill, Kelly Ripa, Kathy Griffin or any woman. The man he's walking with in this photo is who he loves and anyone saying he's attracted to a woman is totally delusional.