Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and had some small movement in my left eyebrow!! This is a HUGE deal to someone like me right now. My left brow suggested it was waking up a bit. This is turn has caused my left eye to not be so irritated all the time. I daresay it may even be blinking on the sly.

Such JOY throughout the land that is my face!!

But there was a FI-FIE-FO-FUM that quelled some of the magic on the left hemisphere of my cabbage. And that is increased vertigo. I done never had vertigo before and now it just crazy. I look anywhere an I SPIN. My inner ear has not come to join the party clearly.

I move along fine and one look away and I am just all over the place. Will have to call the doc tomorrow.

But still there is JOY in Spudville as my brow is a twitchin'!!!

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