Thursday, January 15, 2009

How Was Your Day?

"Oh, fine. It snowed. A plane landed on the Hudson. I walked outside to get bread and almost wiped out a small army of pre-school kids."

Circles within circles within circles. Life is all about the big and small stories all co-existing. Like zooming in using Google Earth, we all see the big picture items like snow and then we zoom and we see plane landing and we zoom and we see our own existence and what is going on there.

First off, I love snow and cannot get enough of it. I just love it. Wish I was skiing in it, but I will take staring at it as well.

As I said to a friend re: the emergency plane landing of the US Airways airbus on the Hudson River this afternoon: "Finally a positive, restorative, reaffirming news story hits the front page." I still marvel that the pilot just kept his head and brought all those people to safety in the freezing waters of the Hudson. As if perfectly choreographed, all those tugboats where at the ready to help and all the forces we pay taxes to be there were there, like the police and fire. It was a great civic achievement as well. I feel we bandy about the word "hero" way too often and here is one guy who deserves it: Capt. Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger III.

I say "Let's have a parade!!"

My own minor victory or act of stupidity was to go out and walk two blocks. I was SO dizzy today, more dizzy than usual and it snowed so THIS is the day I decide to get some air. I felt I was cracking up so I bundled up and walked to Zabars. Negotiating the cheese aisle was hard enough. Imagine drinking a bottle of gin, putting on roller skates and then carrying a hand basket in a crowded grocery. Stupid, I know.

I made it.

And then I had to pass an army of 3 year olds with strollers and moms all blocking the pavement. I held on to gates and brownstone stair adornments and made it through the gauntlet of children. They ignored all my polite (yet slurred) "Excuse ME You Little Cretins!!" and had I showed my face I would have been their Boo Radley for sure.

The whole adventure knocked me for six, but I got to be home with fresh bread and snow outside and a a plane empty and broken on the Hudson with no death in any of the circles.

A good day for certain.

1 comment:

Criticlasm said...

Why are you so dizzy? Over here, on the left coast, actively worrying, since I excel at it.

Sully Sullenberger sounds like what you'd call someone who's moping--so ironic. "Hey, Sully Sullenberger, sheer up! What? Did you crash a plane or something?"

Truly a great story, though, and makes you realize with all this stuff and machinery it's the lives saved that matter. And nice to know we can all remember that every once in a while.