Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Left Unsupervised.

In the old days when you were home sick you would watch TV and your mom would bring you soup and you got to just lie there out of harm's way. Now you film yourself looking at your worst and send it out? Progress, eh?

I laugh that I thought I had to smile in the video so you could see the change. WHO is this guy? Very odd to look at oneself and feel it is not them. I feel like people will start speaking more loudly to me in shops like they do to people in wheelchairs or who don't speak English. I haven't really been out enough to find out.

So here I am unable to do much of anything, but maybe this is when the good stuff comes out? Maybe that brilliant idea will come and I will write my own "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly." Or will have practiced Beyonce's "Single Lady" dance enough in my boxers to nail it and do a white, middle-aged guy's version to add to the 100's of others. Or maybe I will be a You Tube star who blows bubbles sideways.


Tony Westbrook said...

Well you do seem to be improving. I had no idea you were having such a rough time! Are you being taken care of? I know you have good peeps around you, so don't NOT make a peep and let everyone know you need help.
HOPE and Good thoughts for you!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Bell, of palsey fame, was Scottish?

Great for you to identify with your heritage, but honey, don't go overboard.

Continued healing to you.