Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Gorgeous day today in Gotham. In fact I took a break and walked to the gym. Good to get out and air myself! It is so easy to stay behind a hot computer and never get up. My generation will see a lot of blind, humphy-backed seniors I am certain.

As I walked down to my beloved YMCA (two days and it is already beloved. When I fall, I fall hard.) I passed by blocks and blocks of film trucks. It is silly, but I thought that was a thing left behind in LA: filming all over the streets everywhere. Well it is not at all. There is constant filming in New York. It is just like LA except the New York Streets here are real.

I laughed to myself (to myself because 1. I was alone and 2. it is not all that funny, but : Wouldn't it be funny if the studios in New York, if there were any true studios, had "LA Streets" on their back lots with loads of palm trees and desert-like vistas and rows of those dingbat apartments?

1 comment:

Criticlasm said...

There's a great scene in the book of the hours where the main character walks down her street and sees Meryl Streep walking out of her trailer for a film shoot. I was so hoping in the movie Meryl Streep would walk out of her apartment and see Meryl Streep walking out of her trailer, but I guess that would have been too "Being John Malkovich"