I have decided that the way to deal with recovering from illness and unemployment is to take French lessons! I have wanted to do this for some time. You know those ideas or travel places where you go "That would be great to DO or to GO to......SOMEday." And that day rarely comes.
So French lessons was on my list, but so is Buenos Aires and oil painting and Quincy, MA. I get overwhelmed and then flog myself for such thoughts sans income. A vicious cycle. Oh right, "Cycle in the Loire Valley or Laos."
So thanks to Craigslist I found an affordable French class in Chelsea. We started last night. It is held in some sort of funky theatre rehearsal space. There are 5 of us. I am the plus ancien by a kilometre at least. No matter. I am there to learn.
It is called "Serious Intermediate" and I seemed to have done okay. Loads to study as we are going fast.

But I think this is a great part of my New York experience and have already seen how it is a good completement to my job search. It is redirecting my brain from Jello to something beaucoup plus fort.
merde is all i know.
Hope you keep getting better and get to blow all the bagpipes you can blow. I mean that in the cleanest way possible too!
Je suis si fier de toi! I have been so wanting to do that. Peut-etre we can have futur conversation toute en francais! Mais oui! Bien sur! ahehahahehehea (read nasally, like Maurice Chevalier)
Bienvenue à la langue française, Patrick! Je voudrais joindre l'Alliance Française locale pour avoir plus de pratique parler, mais c'est trop loin à travers la ville dans Beverly Hills. Mais vous m'avez inspirée! Peut-être 2009 est l'année pour faire ceci!
J'ai voulu dire Pat. Désolé! :)
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