Thursday, February 26, 2009

Three Martini Coat Check Guy

My pal Nancy and I took an illicit midweek getaway (illicit for her as she was working!) and went to the Whitney Museum to catch whatever they were hanging. No real agenda, but every so often it is good to go to an important museum to rationalize why we live in such an expensive, crowded place. I jest, I love expensive and crowded!

I am trying to be a semi-professional blogger and needed a photo to commemorate. I only remember as we are leaving. No fancy art photos for me!

The coat check guy took our photo. He was very friendly. He said he was 3 Martini happy. And both Nancy and I had heard my sister Eileen's friend's Tori's grandmother's advice "Girls, martinis are like breasts - one is not enough and three is too many."

Apparently everyone else at coatcheck had heard some version as well as we all seemed to know it.

"Breasts." I love saying that word. "Breast" not so much, but "breasts" plural seems so school boy naughty. Did I just write that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read this and it's a nice option from the breasts martini line:

Dorothy Parker said:
I like to have a Martini
Two at the very most -
After three I'm under the table,
After four I'm under my host.