Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wait, Watchers! Look at Me!

Current Weight 222.6 pounds

In yesterday's post I said I would not put up this photo, but I have decided in the spirit of New Programming on the "Man. Hat. In" blog to increase my readership to 12 people by year end, I needed a shocking visual aid in an Oprah kind of way. You see, I started back to Weight Watchers today and I have decided to post my weight weekly on my blog so you can follow along at home and see me arrive at my goal of 200 pounds.
I am a Lifetime member of WW, but that does not apparently guarantee that you won't wedge down gallons of ice cream as a replacement for love. Or something like that. So in the spirit of full disclosure, or too much information, I have decided to post this photo as my NEW Before picture. (I hope Michael doesn't mind. But why would he, he looks great. I will give him veto power as I will tell him I posted it. ) This is the last photo taken of me before I started on WW this morning. I am certain to get sponsors so I will have Michael flown in to reenact this exact pose once I have lost the 22 pounds.

I have to say I was really fearful of going back. I think it was pride and ego...and Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas that scared me off. It is hard to surrender to getting back on a scale weekly AND not eating everything in sight for refuge from life. Getting back on the scale however was such a relief! I felt this huge load (weighing nothing sadly) be lifted from me. I am now back to doing something about this and that can only feel good. Making an effort in one's life is key, I think. And scary for many reasons. The Man. Hat. In. blog readers applaud. "Good for you" they shout from the cyber studio audience.

The rest of the day was great. I met my friend Enrique at MOMA and we saw the Ernst Kirchner exhibit, which I loved a whole lot, and had coffee in the restaurant on the top floor. The cafe was right out of one of those movies where all the walls are white and everyone is in black talking about really important things over coffee in Design Within Reach-esque white china cups.
To add to it all it was a dreich day out and thus perfect for museumyness.

I left MOMA and meandered in the drizzle to the gym. I had to laugh as I was listening to Joni Mitchell on the iPod while walking through Central Parkin the rain. It felt so perfect, yet so cliche. (Enough said about me!) The music is flawless poetry, that could not be topped by anything, but then I was halted in my tracks by my surroundings. The wet and light made this stroll seem right out of a Seurat painting. Though I am never shocked by Central Park's beauty, I am still always astounded.

I have to remember to thank God every day I get to live in New York City and be a part of the fabric of it all. I am so, so lucky with so much. I am unemployed, single and 4 bags of flour overweight, but I am in a place that is beyond functional, it is magical. And with magical, I feel anything is possible. Including me.

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