Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hallow's Eve Eve - UES Art Gallery Style

I passed by this amazing townhouse on the Upper East Side on this lovely Autumn day. Though I lack costume and decorating spirit myself, I am SO appreciative of others' enthusiasm. This "Spook-O-Rama" was put together by Berlin artist Christopher Winter. Macabre, grotesque and FUN! I was filled with joy to see this on my walk to Park Ave away from the park.

Here's what the Village Voice has to say:

The Eve of Halloween tempts even the meekest of us to seek a few spine-tingling thrills. And with tonight's Spook-a-rama exhibit at Edelman Arts, you might just get the hair-raising experience you're looking for. As a precursor to the dark humored works of Berlin artist Christopher Winter, the four-story brownstone gallery will hold a séance in an attempt to summon the spirit of the medieval artist Hans Holbein the Younger. (We're not sure if he'll speak or draw for Winter, but the idea of a really old dead German dude communicating in a rickety brownstone is friggin' scary enough.) Following the séance, you'll enter the "Ghost Train"—named in honor of the Coney Island amusement ride—which shows paintings, sculptures, drawings, and videos of creepy children and haunting landscapes that remind us of artists like Dürer, Picasso, and Kippenberger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That townhouse is not part of the gallery. It is a private residence. Christopher Winter had nothing to do with their decorations.