Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Turkey Ramblings. With Eggs.

Today I felt far from home. I think since I got the call for my job I have done nothing but focus on getting here and then being here. Seriously I have not really stopped for a breath since sometime in early September. It has been a wonderful, crazy, interesting odyssey that continues. I cannot say I have been happier in a long while.

But today I miss my family. I was busy enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving, but now there is a lull and I know that nieces and nephews are growing and siblings have stuff. Eileen told me that they got the house at the River. That is fantastic news. I hope it is filled with happy memories. I had many happy times at the river growing up. It is part of our history so it is cool to see her continue it.

I am not really melancholy, I am just full of turkey and its chemicals are working on me! My uncle is ill and that worries me. I want to be there to help. I started thinking about our "Granny" Grace all the way in Australia. I need to write and find out how she is keeping. Maybe it is this time of year punctuated for me with the falling leaves that makes me think of people and places. I heard my grandmother's voice today and pictured her on the sidewalks of New York City where she used to live. I am part of my past here in this giant city. My dad grew up here, my mum came through here when she came to this country. And I am here for a new life now.

How to keep in touch with so many friends and family. It trips my head to think of how many people have touched my life. SO many. I have to be one of the luckiest devils I know. But the need to connect with everyone gets overwhelming. Each person has an individual story with everyone they know. Isn't is amazing. There is this mini-moment that happens simultaneously while others are having there mini-moments with even others. And it all happens at the same time in the street, on the phone, at home, on the internet. And then we all switch chairs and start it again with someone else. So much energy expended in connecting. It is pretty cool.

But it is also important to have down time. To have time to think and be at peace. I have a hard time with that one. Sitting still and being quiet! When I master that I will really be on to something.

I will start with going to be at a reasonable hour. I want to get to work early to finish my project.

But first an e-mail to Granny Grace.

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