Sunday, November 4, 2007

And they told two Friends and so on and so on...

6627 Steps

Ahhhh! Saturday! A day off. A day of rest. It was GREAT. I got up and cleaned my apartment all the while wishing someone else was doing it. But it is done and SO nice.

Then I met Lisa and Josie at Sarabeth's on Amsterdam and 80th. (Sadly Lisa did not get her tomato soup fix here because there was too long of a wait, so three Californians went out for New York Mexican! ) Here is one of the ways modern technology can be used for good and not for evil. When I was moving to New York I sent out an e-mail to a lot of my friends asking if they knew of someone looking to rent to someone, and like the old Faberge shampoo commercial they told two friends and so on. Well Lisa and Josie are my new relations because of this search. I know Cheline who knows Jacquie who knows Josie who knows Lisa. And here we are 3rd and 4th cousins meeting up in Manhattan for brunch all because I wrote to Cheline. Excellent. We had about a 4 hour lunch. It was fantastic. Both great girls and it was a pleasure to meet them. I had a great time and felt so instantly comfortable with them. Lisa lives here and Josie is going to hopefully. And we all hover in around the same business so hopefully we can help each other as well.
Those girls tired me out and I went home and tried to nap all the while thinking I should be walking through a museum and feeling guilty about this. There are so many shrinks on the UWS, I should find one!

I am terrified as Lisa and Josie talked me into joining Facebook. This blog has made me feel a little exposed, but in a way I like, and then there is the world of Facebook. Wow. Not sure how to handle yet. I wish I could start off with Elbowbook or Shinbook.

Last night I called my friend Brad's friend Bo. He lives walking distance from me. And as happens in all the 30's -40's radio plays of Manhattan, I am invited over to their new penthouse apartment by Lincoln Center and walking distance from my house. This is the life I want and I am having it. I went over and met Bo and his partner Andy. We had a really nice visit and I hope to borrow sugar and eggs and a cuppa flour from them soon.

1 comment:

Criticlasm said...

OMG. Join facebook, if only to play online scrabble with all your friends. I don't have anything on my profile, but a bunch of people I play scrabble with.

Sounds like NY here with all the people honking for the striking writers. Wierd.