Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thank you, Ohio.

[Think swelling "Patriotic" (can we have that word back now please?) music in background as I write this.]

Ohio. Our work here is done. We must go back. Thank you for your kindness, your generosity of spirit, your homes, your food, your friendship. Thank you for helping to elect Barack Hussein Obama President of the United States of America. It is indeed a new day. Yesterday has never happened before and the promise of change is thrilling and comforting.

I had not wanted to go on this trip because of fear of the unknown and wanting to stay small. And I leave here inspired, more open minded (I think?), energized and EXHAUSTED. And big (but mostly because of Waffle House). I leave here with new friendships and new ideas. I leave here wanting to go home and let go of some of my anger. (Sadly the passage of Prop 8 has stalled that.) But I leave here knowing we have a level headed, intelligent, creative president-elect and I hope to take a page from him. I leave here hoping the best for him and for our country.
[stop music]
Svetlana opted to not go back with us to give us more room in the car---she said.

Greg and I found we had many LA friends in common. Random! Nice guy, small world.

Much of the crew including my fantastic roommate Nathan on the right. The only straight guy for miles. He is deadpan funny and just a total great guy to hang out with. I think we were brothers somehow in a former life. Or sidekicks.

Sandi. What a fantastic guy. He made this whole thing happen and was here for weeks and weeks and seemed to always have a smile on his face and a sense of calm. I really hope I get to know him better. He is the sweetest guy. And he made this possible for me to help. All of us. Thank you Ohio, thank you Sandi.

Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel

It begins and ends with:

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