Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Elaine Stritch and Liz Smith

Liz and Elaine walking down 5th Avenue in 1956.

My friend Tom at the New York Times is such a great guy. And NOT just because he invites me to all sorts of great events as his +1, and NOT just because he reads this blog!, but he because he just is. And his partner Phil is a peach too and it all just works.

Anyway, he invited me to see Elaine Stritch and Liz Smith in conversation. For a guy who is not working, I seem to be double booked all the time (there, I just cursed my fabulous quotient and now it will plummet.), but this time I was able to say YES.

I remember escorting Elaine Stritch into the BAFTA Emmy Tea Party and she was just herself: cantankerous, caustic and lovely. We talked about podiatry, as my dad was a podiatrist and she just went to one. And then she went into "Where's Holland Taylor? I need to find her and then I wanna get out of here!"

Elaine and Liz. These old broads have been buds since 1953 and you can just imagine how bawdy they are in private after the conversation we "had' with them tonight. It was a great evening listening to them talk about the old days and the Elaine's plans for the future. And she still has one at 83 years old!

This is the best photo I got with my iphone. iphone needs to have a better spycam. With a zoom.

Afterwards, Ms. Stritch got up and belted out some numbers in tights and a sweatshirt. The old broad still has the chops.

I was thinking while listening to her that my dad was 21 years younger than she is now when he died. It really goes to show that it is important to stay active and get healthy and let go of your shit.

Note to self.

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