Monday, April 20, 2009

la Nouvelle York Ville est ma ville, Monsieur

Il a plu aujourd'hui.

It rained today.

Fort even.

French. English. I can do 'em both now because I took 10 weeks of French and a vie-time of English.

I have an exposé due in French class this week. Not like a gossip thing where I say in French who I heard Jennifer Aniston is sleeping with, but just a report on something of my choosing. Like about the dude who redid Paris or Angelina Jolie's humanitarian work. Mostly in present tense. Like covering a game or making a 911 call: "He is breathing but not heavily. He is bleeding and there is a knife in his back. The chemise is soaked in sang.Mon Dieu!"

Maybe I can do this. I have to get up in front of the whole class and speak for 5 minutes on a topic in French. You cannot shut me up for hours in English, but this seems daunting.

For now, I burry ma tête dans l'oreiller. Je ponce. Et ponce. Et ponce.


rjhughes2 said...

Are you a ponce, je pense? I wonder. Lovely posting, mon ami. bob

Anonymous said...

Arggggghh!!! Je pense!! have I learned rien?!!!