This is so odd. Not tremendously, but I will just say it is.
I was writing recently about the seeming randomness of how I got my job here in New York. And this randomness applies to relationships, friendships, etc. I then watched this DVD of Oscar nominated shorts tonight and the winner, The Danish Poet, is kind of about that. The poet doesn't feel inspired so he travels to Norway to meet his favorite author, but along the way he meets a farmer and falls madly for his daughter and she him. She is however engaged to be married and cannot be with the poet, yet she refuses to cut her hair until they meet again. The poet leaves dejected. Her husband gets killed by a cow but her letter to the poet in Denmark telling him so gets lost and eaten by a goat. It goes on but with a lovely happy ending that includes the girl who cuts her hair.
Anyway....I am sensing that a life in motion, in pursuit of something, is a better way to go. "You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need." And all that.
That is all from me today. I am going to Norway soon in pursuit of a farmer, I mean, inspiration.
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