Thursday, February 21, 2008

Barrick O'Bama, A Good Irish Name.

Walked to work this morning. A clear, sunny, cold wonderful winter morning in New York. Loads of meetings at the office today. I will pay for this with loads of backed up work. Went for drinks with co-workers for a bit after work and then headed up the road to practice bagpipe music that I got from my new band. I then pulled up a chair and watched the Obama/Hilary debate on CNN via my computer as I have no TV (shhhhh!). I was struck at how civil it all was. They debated issues not personalities. It was unifying for the party and the questions for the most part were pretty good. I have to say that Obama seemed more confident and seemd to assume the nod. Hilary seemed gracious and concilatory. That is just the way I read it. (She reminded me a lot Shirley Jones as Mrs. Partridge tonight. I mean nothing by that, I just saw a little Shirley in her.) I would love to believe that if either got in some real change would happen, but that remains to be seen. I just hope that some change for the better does happen once Bush is out. He and his regime have been terrible for this country and it breaks my heart. Instead of being tried for murder and war crimes he will get a library!

Maybe all the books will be shelved upsidedown.

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