Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fine Living

Please indulge me today as I share snaps of family and friends. Eileen and Rick have totally got the "always room for one more" influence of my parents. They love people around, as do I, and we decided to have an open house today to have friends over. It turns out I actually have a rushed holiday so it was a way to see people for me.

And here is what I have to say: friends and family and generations and houses looking over rivers and trees with moss and rain and home-made food and Christmas music and dogs in car ready to be walked and missing my parents and longing and hopeful for the next year is the best brew I could ever drink. And I noticed it today. I celebrated it today. I felt alive and happy today.

God bless us one and all, eh?

My niewest niece

A lovely picture of Lisa. How many years do we have now? She made my mom's cookies as a surprise. I loved it. And her.

Walking Sadie. Kids and dogs. I am sorry, if you are not acting with them, they are the best combo in the world.

Holiday Cheer at the Waldhaus, Russian River 2008

Poltergeist TV children


Family Portraits

Jan thought of the idea of taking a photo of my whole family. And then we did it for all the families there. Excellent

Ashley, Jan and Bodie

Lisa and Barry.

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