I moved from the Upper West Side to the West Village today. I am excited and sad and happy and tired and ready and wanting.
Back up...
I had two amazing years in a beautiful brownstone right by the Museum of Natural History and Central Park with an outdoor terrace and lovely wood and beautiful furniture. And more importantly two GREAT landlords and now friends and wonderful neighbors. To move to New York with nothing and land sight unseen where I did, I landed the jackpot. I really did. And I am so grateful to John and Aris for this.
And when I was sad a the idea of moving I thought, "You just had the best entry into New York ever and you now need to experience other lands on this wonderfully exotic island. It is a good thing." So Solomon and his towncar whisked me and my possessions past Zabar's and Fairway and took me downstream past midtown and Chelsea to the exotic West Village. My earth tones UWS self was wide-eyed at the West Villagers all villagey-like. "They will never acccept me. My clothes look like Maria made them from curtains," I thought.

But there was my roommate and friend Sean welcoming me and helping me move in. We are roommates now and I will keep our domestic life away from the eyes of this blog (it is going to kill me, but I will!) But I just have to say being here with him as my roommate and his dog Skipper and cat Harry, just makes me feels so at home.
OMG, I thought I would never quote the musical Annie, EVER, but "I think I'm gonna like it here."
Thank you HP, et al.
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