Friday, March 13, 2009

Leap and the Networking Will Follow.

When you are flush with high school graduation fever and you along with all the other doe-eyed lads and lassies are throwing mortar boards to the wind, you never expect your future to contain attending a seminar entitled: "I Lost My Career. Now What???"

Especially one containing THREE question marks.

That is exactly what Sue and I attended this morning. It was given by international speaker and motivator Jason Alba, Founder and CEO of Jibber Jobber. He is career management expert. And he became one by making himself one. I have to say it was a good presentation and my resistance to his ideas was only out of FEAR and not out of, "That is a lame ass idea, mister."

He thinks one needs to see oneself as a brand. Not a new concept, but a worthy (and sometimes cringe-worthy) one. He thinks one should have a professional blog to support said brand and one should publish in one's field and be an expert. A lot of marketing jargon, but I have to say it was a great morning and filled my head with a lot of thoughts, including "I am an expert at nothing."

And Seinfeld already mined that area.

Afterwards Sue and I decided to post-game at Petite Abeille, a Belgian restaurant in Tribeca. Just in case there were networking possibilities with decision makers from Brussels.

Here was one of the great successes of the morning. Sue deduced that the breakfast sandwich for $4.50 had all the ingredients of the breakfast for $12.50 less the mesclun salad. A huge savings that could be put towards career software or a Jones of New York interview suit.

The Belgians were kind and let us discuss our futures over java refills for what seemed like the time it would take to fly JFK to Antwerp.

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