Monday, March 16, 2009

Can't Blow

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and I am supposed to be marching up 5th Avenue in New York City with the Pipe Band. But I can't blow.

(Insert ALL jokes here...)

I can't blow my pipes enough to keep them going. Because of the residual Bell's palsy, I cannot make the seal around the blow stick with my lips. Air gushes out and without enough pressure there is no sound.

The pipe major suggested I "fake it" because he knows I want to be a part of it all. There is nothing more frustrating to a piper than faking it for miles. I cannot do that.

So I have to practice PATIENCE. If I had a tattoo for 2009, that would be the word I would have tattooed on my forearm. PATIENCE.

So tomorrow is my feast day and I will enjoy it as I can and trust that one day I will be able to play bagpipes again.

Looking forward to GREENER pastures tomorrow.

The End

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