I had decided yesterday that it would be another lovely day today. But last night the wind just howled and the heavens opened up. (Hillary's Wrath on New York?) So it was wet this morning and it never got to that lovely shade of loveliness.
Even so I go out tonight and was by Union Square and NYU and I come across Stuyvesant Square Park in its just so tucked away in its own part of town place. The park is surrounded by amazing architecture and a spired church. It was named for Petrus (Peter) Stuyvesant, the last Director-General of the Dutch colony of New Netherlands. (Those Dutch have their fingers in EVERYTHING!)
I just learned as well that bowery as in The Bowery is from the Dutch "bouwerie" which means "farm." I bet those boys never thought they were the Farm Boys! (Anyone under 40 please leave the room.)
So to wrap up. It rained, I got out, I saw a lovely park and I remain struck and excited by all the treasures that still await me here in New York City.
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