Awoke to the rain beating against my subletted window. A very secure, amazing feeling that I never had enough of in LA. It was the kind of day where one would stay in and drink really milky tea and read a classic. But I had films to watch for work. So I had strong coffee and French indie cinema. As I mentioned before, I have to assign a TV rating to non-rated films. I was all about giving this one a TV-14 with no daytime restriction until I saw that they were a bunch of guys playing Russian roulette but shooting each other in the head for winner-takes-all money. Last man standing sort of thing. Very imitatible. I think I will give it an 8pm restriction so that kids who would get an idea to blow their pals away for cash would already be out doing such things when the film comes on. This is my thinking.
I also finished up my last doc screening for the Festival today. I was so sad to send it knowing I will most likely not be in Park City this year. The place that made me happier than I have ever been. How, dear readers, do I suggest to the higher ups that they need to send temp scheduling boy to Sundance?!
Tonight I was at the Paley Center. Formerly known as the Museum of Television and Radio which I much prefer. The Paley Center sounds like one of those places that has all those tanning beds. I was there for DocDays07 to atttend a screening and Q & A for "Nimrod Nation" - an 8 episode series premiering on the Sundance Channel on November 26th. Watch it, it is good. About a town in Michigan's Upper Peninsula who are mad about their high school basketball team - the Nimrods. It really gets into the life of the town of Watersmeet, MI. It was good to go as my boss was there and it was good to support the channel.
I decided to walk home from 52nd and 5th where the Paley Center is. Right next door to the uber posh 21 Club. I was like a cultural salmon swimming up stream past diners and theater goers out on intermission and then throngs of Devils, Angels, Prisoners and Mermaids. I even passed by a woman dressed as a fork. And plenty of hookers, but who knows if they were part of the Halloween party goers. After making it through that I hit all the folk getting out of Lincoln Center where I swam up Broadway through many well-groomed couples smiling and holding playbills to reach...
Ahhh, finally the Saturday night losers shopping in the market. Alone. I was in my element! I have really gotten hooked on "Potage Santé" from Fairway Market. It sounds like the name of a singer you would want to see in a swanky jazz club, but it is in fact a soup. It has leeks, spinach, "assorted lettuce" and potatoes. It is SO good and feels so healthy. It plays itself off like it could be a colonic or a facial treatment, but it is really a soup. It is that good!
I think I have said enough for tonight.
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