Tuesday. Of all the days of the week, I find this the most meaningless. It doesn't start a week, end one, or hump one. It isn't a "one more day until Friday" day and it is doesn't begin the work week. Hard to find less meaning in a day than a Tuesday. And befitting this day, I was just hunkered down at work in my cube plugging in info in the system and trying like hell to get better at Excel and quickly. Not a lot of GLAMOUR in my Times Square, Manhattan, Television job. And then I hear that Isabella Rosellini is taking a meeting with my boss in the room just down the hall from my cube! Crikey not only was her mom in Casabloodyblanca and her dad directed the great Anna Magnani in "Open City," and she, herself, was a world famous Lancome model and lover of big time directors, but she worked with Tiny Fey on "30 Rock"!!! What would Lucy do indeed? Well, I decided I would print out something I didn't need because the printer was right by the room where she was laughing and air kissing with the others. I timed my walk to the copy machine and return right as they were coming out of the meeting. There she was, all international and beautiful, and there I was all cubically and sheet of paper holding. It had to have meant something to her.
Having had enough glamour for a Tuesday, I headed home. Still thinking to myself "I wonder if Isabella has trouble with Excel and what she does about it?" I was snapped back into my domestic issue. A few nights ago I saw a mouse scurry across the floor as I was watching TV. I told my landlord and he said he would stuff up some holes with steal wool. He did that and left some mouse traps behind just in case. A few days ago I left my garbage tied and ready to take out in the morning. I heard some scurrying in the night and assumed some jazz musicians were just home from a gig. But upon wakening I found my bag had bits taken out of it and the mouse took a dump on my floor. Something had to be done. I put my garbage in the freezer to keep it safe. Much like hanging food to keep it from bears. Yes, Virginia, in New York I freeze my garbage. So with my mouse I imagined a Tom and Jerry scenario where I lose all the time. I decided to set the mouse traps. But I couldn't figure out how to use one since we don't have mice in California. I could not get the thing to stick under the thing. So I looked on line and found instructions. Not only instructions on how to set a mouse trap, but a video as well! That solved it. I set two and went to bed to watch more movies for work. I had the laptop resting on my chest when I heard SNAP! and then a little scurry and then nothing. I could not handle waking up to carnage so I got up to look. And there was the CUTEST little field mouse all Stuart Little with its eyes wide open and its cute little tail and its neck pinned under what we video watchers call "The Bow." He was staring up at me in frozen animation as if caught in the the realization that he forgot to pay a bill on time. I felt awful, but it was me or him and I need to make it in this town. I put him in a plastic bag and outside for the night. In the morning we parted ways. I know under different circumstances we could have been friends.
And you animal lovers with your mice-hating pets in your rodent-free homes, please don't write about "no kill" mousetraps. Where do I return a mouse to safety in New York City that isn't really just putting him in my next door neighbor's living room?
That was my Tuesday.
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