My friend David Bottrell, besides being my friend, is kind of a mentor of sorts. He may have forgotten that I look to him for advice and counsel, but it is true. I know pedestals can get wobbly, so I don't mean to put him on one, but HOT DAMN he deserves it.
When I fessed up to him that I was in my forties and didn't know how to date he said, "Neither did I so I taught myself." And then he told me what he did. Amazing. He taught himself. Just like that. If I didn't talk to David I would still be using "I don't know how to date" as a self-fulling mantra.
We met in a book club in LA and became good friends. We were both going through stuff as people do and shared it with each other. I was amazed at what I learned from and about him:
• A while ago his relationship ended. Major. And then he made a movie. Truly. Not about the end of a relationship, he just got up and made a first film as a way to dust off. It was a great success and brought him on a whole new exciting path. He had never made a movie before. No one told him he could. And a really good movie it was! It won awards.
(I got dumped, lay on a couch for what seemed like weeks and then got a therapist.)
• Out of making his movie he got a starring role on Boston Legal. He was great. David E. Kelley even thought so and continued to write him into episodes. He continues to act as well as write.
• He has read at Sit and Spin. Twice. Sit and Spin is this GREAT "Writers Reading Their Stuff" evening in Los Angeles. It is my DREAM to read here. ( I think I will say to David: "I don't know how to read at 'Sit and Spin.'")
• Today he just had a piece published on the Huffington Post. (below) The Huffington bloody Post!!
David Dean Bottrell: Point Of Pride
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I hope I don't sound (too) envious, because that would take away from me celebrating him! I am very proud of him and how he just keeps writing and doing and reading and standing and going. From 3000 miles I am going to keep him on my personal advisory panel. Good going David. You are a point of pride for me!
And the article is great. Very well done. Read it!
1 comment:
well he sounds amazing. but i am entranced by that guy in the background of the first picture...oh...wait...that's my husband...nevermind.
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