Petite French bookstore at Rock Center since 1935. About to lose lease. "Freedom" Bookstore?
Brad came rang on my buzzer at 7am this morning after taking the red eye from Los Angeles. He used to live here for 8 years and had not been back to NYC since he left 4 years ago. It would be a combo visit, vacation and memory lane tour. I am excited to see his haunts and go the places that he enjoyed. If they are still there!
We crashed for a bit and then headed out on what was a beautiful day through the park. That damn park! Like Brooke Shields, it has no bad angles. Huh? Hey it is true, I have seen her in person many times! That park is bursting with buds and kids playing baseball. And I am thrilled for Spring.
After a good walkandtalk we met Brad's friend Roxie at Grand Sichuan International on 9th Ave. at 24th. Brad loves the pork soup dumplings. And he was right, they were amazing. I had been here once before with Hilary and Cheline, but it is now firm that this place is a keeper for fresh, lovely Chinese food.
Famous Pork Soup Dumplings. Mini volcanoes of goodness!
More pork. Never enough pork. YUM!
It was fun to meet Roxie and the three of us headed out to walkandtalk on the way to the Container Store and then to meet our friend Bo at Macys on 34th Street. He works at the MAC counter and gave Roxie a makeover and us some free samples. Brad and Bo are friends from New York daze and I met Bo through Brad when I came here. Blah, blah, blah. I know, but I don't want anyone to get confused!
On the way to the C0ntainer Store we got coffee at Cafe Grumpy on W. 20th. Star sighting in line behind us. Two of the regular women from West Wing. One was Josh's asst. and the other was CJ's asst. I am too tired to look them up. Sloppy Blogger!
Macys in Herald Square is the largest department store in the world I say without fact checking and over 100 years old. It has wooden escalators.
The poor place needs its own makeover, but it was fun to see Bo in action.
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