Tuesday, November 17, 2009

NINE the Movie

Tonight on the stage on 57th Street in New York were three Oscar-winning actors, an Oscar-nominated Director and a guy who won a bunny drawing contest in grade school. What wattage!

I had the good fortune to be able to interview Daniel Day-Lewis, Rob Marshall, Dame Judi Dench and Marion Cotillard after a screening of the movie NINE. Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz and Kate Hudson were scheduled to show, but could not make it. Still it was an amazing night and they were all courteous, game and great. Because of the subject matter of the film I asked the all their "hooker names" (your first pet's name + the street where you grew up) and they all complied so well! Marion's was all in French of course!

Rob Marshall is modeled after a guy I want to be: calm, nice and so smart.

Me, Daniel Day-Lewis, Rob Marshall, Judi Dench, Marion Cotillard

But the best part of all was having my own Fellini cast of characters here tonight who have shaped my life in New York to share the evening with me. It was just great knowing they were there. A perfect evening of mega stars and mega pals.

All I needed was a Vespa and some Italian hunk in sunglasses waiting for me outside to take me a casa.

Pat, Sean, Sue, Ellie, Me, John.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! How cool. Very appropriate that you were up on stage interviewing all these legends.
